World Photography Day

World Photography Day is an annual event celebrated on August 19th. It's a day to recognize and appreciate the art, science, and history of photography. The date was chosen to commemorate the announcement of the daguerreotype photographic process to the world by the French government in 1839. The daguerreotype process, invented by Louis Daguerre and Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, is considered one of the earliest practical photographic processes.

Here are some key points about World Photography Day:

  • Origins: The idea for World Photography Day was born out of a project called the "Project Imaginat10n" initiated by Canon and directed by filmmaker Ron Howard. The project aimed to encourage photographers of all skill levels to submit photos based on various storytelling themes.
  • Celebration: World Photography Day is celebrated worldwide by photographers, photography enthusiasts, and organizations. It's a day to honor the art of photography and its contributions to storytelling, communication, and visual expression.
  • Events and Activities: On World Photography Day, various events, workshops, exhibitions, and contests showcase photography's significance. These events provide platforms for photographers to display their work and share their perspectives with a broader audience.
  • Social Media: Social media plays a significant role in the celebration of World Photography Day. People often share their favorite photographs, memories, and stories related to photography on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook using the hashtag #WorldPhotographyDay.
  • Promotion of Photography: World Photography Day helps promote the importance of photography as a means of creative expression, documentation, and storytelling. It encourages people to explore the world through the lens of a camera and capture moments that matter to them.
  • Educational Opportunities: Many organizations and institutions take the opportunity to offer photography-related workshops, webinars, and educational sessions on this day. These events help beginners learn more about photography techniques and concepts.
  • Photography's Impact: Photography has a significant impact on society, culture, and history. It's a powerful tool for conveying emotions, documenting events, preserving memories, and raising awareness about important issues.
  • Diverse Perspectives: World Photography Day celebrates the diverse perspectives that photographers bring to their work. Whether it's landscapes, portraits, street photography, wildlife, or abstract art, photography allows for a wide range of creative expression.

Remember that celebrations and activities related to World Photography Day may vary from one year to another and from one region to another. To participate or learn more about specific events happening on World Photography Day, it's a good idea to follow photography-related organizations, websites, and social media accounts.

For more information visit

The blind and photography

Blind photographers are individuals who are visually impaired or blind but still engage in photography as a form of artistic expression and communication. While photography is primarily a visual medium, blind photographers often use their other senses and creative perspectives to capture images that reflect their unique experiences and viewpoints. Here are some aspects to consider when exploring the world of blind photographers:

  • Adapted Techniques: Blind photographers often rely on adapted techniques and tools to practice photography. These might include using tactile markers on camera settings, relying on auditory cues for focusing, and utilizing accessibility features in digital cameras.
  • Sensory Photography: Blind photographers often emphasize sensory elements in their work. They might focus on textures, patterns, sounds, and emotions that they can perceive even without clear vision. This approach adds a distinctive quality to their photographs.
  • Storytelling: Blind photographers often use their images to tell stories from their unique perspectives. Their work can challenge traditional visual norms and provide a different way of experiencing the world.
  • Technology and Assistance: Advances in technology have opened up new possibilities for blind photographers. Voice-enabled cameras, tactile feedback displays, and smartphone apps that describe scenes using AI-generated descriptions are some examples of tools that assist blind photographers in capturing images.
  • Artistic Expression: Just like sighted photographers, blind photographers have their own artistic styles and preferences. Their work can span a wide range of genres, from portraits and landscapes to abstract and conceptual photography.
  • Inclusive Photography: Blind photographers contribute to the broader conversation about inclusivity and diversity in the arts. Their work challenges societal perceptions of who can be a photographer and what constitutes a "good" photograph.
  • Challenges and Triumphs: Blind photographers often face unique challenges, such as framing shots, selecting subjects, and navigating environments safely. However, their determination and creativity enable them to overcome these challenges and produce meaningful work.
  • Awareness and Advocacy: Blind photographers and organizations advocating for their inclusion help raise awareness about the capabilities and talents of visually impaired individuals. They also work towards ensuring that photography tools and spaces become more accessible to everyone.
  • Art Therapy and Empowerment: Engaging in photography can also serve as a form of art therapy for blind individuals, helping them express their emotions and connect with the world in a meaningful way.
  • Community and Collaboration: Blind photographers often find support and inspiration from other photographers within the blind community. They also collaborate with sighted photographers to exchange ideas and learn from each other's perspectives.

Overall, blind photographers exemplify the power of human creativity and adaptability. Their work challenges preconceived notions about photography and expands the boundaries of visual art. It's important to remember that every blind photographer has a unique story and approach to their craft, and their contributions are valuable to the art world and beyond.

Six famous blind photographers

There are several visually impaired or blind photographers who have gained recognition for their unique perspectives and contributions to the world of photography. Here are a few notable examples:

Ian Treherne

Portrait of Ian Treherne, in the photo he appears dressed in a blue jean jacket and in the background there are bushes

He has always been a creative person from a very young age. Experiencing the isolation that accompanies profound deafness, he busied himself with drawing and painting. Finally, his creativity led him to discover the camera. Commissioned photography and his role as an ambassador for Sense UK have led him to collaborate with the UK organization Zebedee Talent, a specialist casting agency for children and adults with various disabilities. These include skin diseases, Down syndrome, albinism, cerebral palsy, prosthetics, and blindness.

To know his work you can visit his website

Pete Eckert

In the photo Pete Eckert appears dressed in a green cap, white shirt and black suspenders. He wears dark glasses and manipulates a camera, this during the photo shoot he did for VW.

Pete Eckert is a blind photographer who lost his sight due to retinitis pigmentosa. He uses long exposures and light painting techniques to create captivating and abstract images. His work has been widely exhibited and recognized for its innovative approach.

To know his work you can visit his website

Bruce Hall

Bruce Hall portrait in black and white. He wears a diving suit and in his hands he holds an underwater camera. In the background is the sea.

Bruce Hall is a blind photographer who lost his sight due to glaucoma. He uses his remaining vision and a unique sense of touch to create tactile photographs that explore textures and forms. His work challenges the traditional boundaries of photography.

To know his work you can visit his website

Evgen Bavcar

portrait of Evgen Bavcar, wears a black hat, a red scarf and wears a white shirt with a gray jacket. He poses with two of his works protected by a glass frame

Evgen Bavcar is a Slovenian photographer who has been blind since 11 years old. He is known for his evocative black and white photographs that capture the essence of the world through his other senses. Bavcar's work has been exhibited internationally and is celebrated for its poetic quality.

To know his work you can visit his website

Gary Albertson

photo of Gary Albertson, in it, he wears a brown shirt and blue jeans. He manipulates a camera in a wooded environment.

Gary Albertson is a visually impaired photographer who has embraced his disability as a source of artistic inspiration. He uses specialized techniques and equipment to create his images, focusing on abstract and textured subjects.

To know his work you can visit his website

Rosita McKenzie

Photo of Rosita Mckenzie, she wears a pink shirt and in one of her hands she holds a camera while with the other she touches some wild flowers

Rosita McKenzie is a blind photographer from Australia. Despite losing her sight, she has continued her photography journey with the help of assistive technology. Her work often centers on nature, and she uses her unique perspective to capture intricate details.

To know his work you can visit her website

These photographers demonstrate the diversity of approaches and techniques that visually impaired individuals can use to engage with photography. Their work challenges the notion that photography is solely a visual art form and showcases the power of creativity and adaptation in the face of challenges.

For more information on International Photography Day, visit their website and social networks

World Photography Day:



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